Hi, please check the attached log. FW is the latest, working on a Audi 2.3NG
I've done extensive tuning on the idle control, having it now being rock-solid on all temperatures, AC on or off etc, it settles into idle within a second or two, and can catch low RPM easily with no stalling or dipping down.
My issue us that occasionally the idle position will climb, from a normal warm-engine 36-38 to 45+, resulting in a high idle. This does not happen on every drive, sometimes it will run for days with no issue, sometimes it will high-idle within 5 minutes of driving.
Most of the time, the only way to get the idle back under control is to cycle the ignition, I have left it idling for 2-3 minutes when in this state and the idle position does not change. In the attached log, you can see that it does eventually return to normal idle.
In the log:
Log starts with a few seconds of idle
00:32:350 - 00:38:900 > Idle at a traffic light, normal
00:57:950 - 01:02:175 > AC is switched on to see if this affects the idle correctly
2:11:450 - 2:13:825 > High idle at traffic light
Note that from 01:04:050 until 02:36:225 the idle position stays "stuck" between 43-44, only coming down later.
Finally around 03:15:075 you can see an idle period with the idle position coming down to normal levels.
I did see some coolant temperature errors in the log, and I have fixed this by supplying the CLT reference voltage from the invent ECU not the OEM ECU, so future logs should have more accurate and stable CLT values.
Looking forward to your thoughts.